Monday, May 19, 2014

A bird day today - May 19 Victoria Day

Well it is raining and cool out but we are warm inside! This weekend the Oriole returned as did the Brown Thrasher and several others including the Goldfinches.
Here is someone we cannot identify:
And another one. Pictures taken through the living room window so not as clear as it could be.

 This we know is a Night Heron.
The Goldfinch.
 Evening sun on the water.

Monday, April 28, 2014

First Purple Martin house up

This house started out as an eight unit but since I have done some reading it is now a five condo space. I drilled out the center wall in each of the main body compartment and blocked the entrance on alternating ones so that the condo is double deep for protection and to keep the little guys from falling/being pushed out or being grabbed by large birds. The two condos under the roof are half the depth of the house so about 9 inches.
We continue to see snow fall here so I doubt any bird flying over would even see this. But surely sunny days are coming.

The other house requires a different post so still some work to do. The hole in the center is 4 x 4 inches so I will build a post to fit so I can raise and lower the house for inspection and cleaning. No roosting space yet so not sure if I will put any on as I have seen them on the net  in videos without.

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Blogger photos and story

Just a quick note with a new blog I found. Hope she can get back at posting photos as she does a good job.

So few birds these days we feel like they have been killed by winter or something. Just House Sparrows and Magpies.

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Some photo updates on building Purple Martin houses

Well I now have two very different house nearly done and I am setting it aside for the time being. More paint and a few fix up and away they go as new homes for the birds who might come.

Here is house #1 nearly done.

This one will sit on the top of a pole.

Here is #2. It is designed to fit over a 4 x 4 post and be raised and lowered by a pulley system yet to be made.

This one has condos 6 x 6 x 10 inches deep. having read up on more recent data I would build them 7 x 7 x 12 as they have less danger from predators and babies falling out.
Here is a good link to do some reading.
Being a good Purple Martin landlord is a lot of work which I did not anticipate!

 SO this house is designed for the pole to go up through the middle and through the roof as well. There will be 8 condos on each side with quite a bit of space between the doorways. Some sort of shelf will be added in front of each door.
 The Back (or front depending on you view) will be fully removable for cleaning. See some building notes at the end.

I sunk in some double threaded studs from Lee Valley and bought the little cap to turn them in. A good woodworking tip!

The large washer is an auto panel washer and gives good coverage to the wood area around the stud.

More to come. It has been fun building these but now it is time to get back to pen turning when time allows.

Friday, January 10, 2014

2014 and Building a Purple Martin House

Happy New Year if you are still reading this since I have not posted for ages. Just a few pics of the new Purple Martin House I am building. I need to figure out how to build a telescoping post or buy one for it.